حجت الاسلام فلاحی: Hamedan, contrary to its history, has not had the development it deserves The cry of the people of Hamedan echoed in the parliament The meeting in Tehran was a sign of the defeat of the enemy's policies, sanctions and the end of Western domination High prices have put the people under severe pressure/ All institutions should support the government to solve economic problems Loving the enemy results in nothing but humiliation in the presence of the nation Behind the scenes, the decision on the currency and coin market is not in the hands of the government Many of our villages do not have drinking water / the need to pay attention to watershed management
عضو فراکسیون روحانیت مجلس در توئیتی به لزوم تشکیل دولت جوان حزب اللهی برای تحقق شعار سال اشاره کرد.
نماینده مردم همدان و فامنین در مجلس شورای اسلامی با عنوان اینکه معنای «جهش تولید» در استان همدان متفاوت است و در حال حاضر تعداد بسیاری از صنایع تولیدی در استان همدان تعطیل شده است، عنوان کرد: بیشتر صنایع و واحدهای تولیدی که به تعطیلی کشیده شده اند، به دلیل عدم همکاری بانک ها به […]
The representative of the people of Hamedan and Famenin in the parliament pointed out that we need 57,000 jobs in Hamedan province and we must solve this problem.: In the mining sector, we can create jobs for 2 million people in the country, and this capacity must be activated.
The second deputy speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly said: The general process of the work of the parliament in 1400 is such that by making laws, it will make the people's table bigger and solve problems..
Ali Nikzad stated : Iran has 12,000 laws, many of which contradict each other, while France has only 1,200 laws.
The second deputy speaker of the parliament said that the parliament has really supported production in the 1400 budget: Representatives in Note 18 have allocated more than 32,000 billion tomans for production and employment, and in the deprivation section, we have allocated 20,000 billion tomans..
The second deputy speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly said: With the cancellation of the transfer, there is no obstacle to the continuation of the Hamedan housing factory.
The Vice President of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, stating that today we have such power that in the international arena can not be decided in the region without Iran, said: The revolutionary government, revolutionary thinking and jihadi management must be realized, and jihadi management means the work of the people, and the officials must know that the people give them their rights..
نایب رئیس مجلس شورای اسلامی که به همدان سفر کرده، در جریان بازدید از کارخانه بتن سازی تاکید کرد که اشتغال جوانان و احیا صنایع و کارخانجات دغدغه نمایندگان مجلس است و در این خصوص بازدیدهای میدانی ادامه خواهد داشت.
Hojjatoleslam Fallahi, the deputy representative of Bahar city in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, attended the city and talked closely with the people of this city under the title of field supervision..